
The company was established in 1964 as an engineering office. Since then we have been concerned with the development and manufacture of hydraulic elements, valves and units on which special demands are placed.
We have been producing trail-blazing hydraulic elements since as far back as 1970. For instance, we were able to demonstrate a resource-saving development with our T-Handle valve, which is known all over the world in the field of ski-slope grooming machines.
By 1978 we were already manufacturing cost-effectively and saving raw materials and energy by using CNC manufacturing machines in our company.
In 1988 and 1995 we extended our production areas under the aspect of environmentally protective construction measures, closely based on the recommendations of the Water Management Office and the Employer's Liability Insurance Association.
We want to be conscientious in environmental protection and to be the leader in the innovative field of hydraulics. Our prerequisites for this are both the certification of our quality management system to DIN ISO 9001, which took place in 1997, and our environmental report, which we have presented each year since 1999 in order to document what we have achieved and what we are planning for the protection of the environment.
It is a permanent challenge to us to manufacture controllers using our innovative solutions with a high power density in a compact design and thus low-loss and without leakages.
Manfred Tries establishes the engineering office Manfred Tries in his private house in Ehingen.
Fields of activity are the development and design of hydraulic elements and mechanical units. -
Tries KG, which also produces hydraulic components, is annexed to the design office. The two companies together now employ 5 people.
A new company building with a floor area of 880 square metres is built on a greenfield site in Röntgenstrasse. The equipment includes for the first time a CNC lathe of the type Ikegai FX. The design office and the manufacturing company Tries KG are consolidated to form Tries GmbH & Co. KG Hydraulik-Elemente.
The organisation is converted to electronic data processing.
A new administration building with an office area of 350 square metres is built and Manfred Tries is elected to the plenum of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
Tries employs 63 people; the construction of an extension in the form of a small assembly workshop temporarily creates additional space.
The computer makes its entrance into the design department with the acquisition of a CAD system. The warehouse is also equipped with an electronically controlled high-bay rack.
The works site is extended again. A modern workshop is built on the additional area, including social rooms and additional offices for the 70 employees.
With the extension of the administration building as well as the building of an assembly workshop and a welding shop, extensive measures for emission extraction, heat recovery and air conditioning are implemented.
The company has more than 100 employees; the production areas are extended by 2300 square metres by the construction of a new workshop.
Manfred Tries is distinguished with the Bundesverdienstkreuz (Federal Cross of Merit) for his outstanding achievements as an entrepreneur as well as his voluntary services.
A further new building creates additional space for a state-of-the-art warehouse and the Dispatch Department.
In its 50th anniversary year TRIES employs 150 people.